Enrolment on a Master's programme

In this page

The English section is under construction. For any questions please write to: scuola(AT)
  • Admission requirements
  • How to obtain the authorization
  • Period to show the authorization
  • Issuing of the authorization
  • Contacts

Admission requirements

  1. Bachelor Degree, or University Diploma, or other qualification obtained abroad recognized as suitable.
  2. Having an authorization issued by the structure. 

How to obtain authorization

  • If you hold an academic qualification obtained in Italy:
  1. Registration on the University online services is required.
  2. Access your University online services and from the menu -> secretarial office -> master's degree authorization. Here submit the evaluation application, necessarily attaching the documentation required for the course (Please note: it is possible to apply for multiple master's degree programs).  RIVEDERE
  3. Wait for the UNIVERSITY's opinion by email (normally the result is released within 30 days of the request).
  4. ELIGIBLE : You can proceed with online registration
  5. NOT ELIGIBLE: You will have to fill the debt through individual courses and then submit an application for evaluation in order to obtain entry authorization      and then enrol.
  • If you hold an academic qualification obtained not in Italy:
  1. Submit the application for evaluation exclusively through the DreamApply platform within the deadlines published on the platform itself.  (Applications for licences not yet completed are not considered). 
  2. After receiving the evaluation result, follow the instructions on the DreamApply website.

Period to show authorization

You can submit your application no later than the enrollment deadlines for the 2023/2024 academic year (see Deadline Calendar - Study Manifesto) for courses for the same year. (ATTENTION!: It is recommended to send the application for evaluation at least 30 days before the  registrations deadline, otherwise it is not guaranteed to send the result in time to register).

Authorization- List of Master’s degree programmes:


Advanced Molecular Sciences (Classe LM-54)

  • Evaluation form access to the master’s degree. (rtf)
  • Module of self-certification English language level B2

Molecular and Applied Biology (Class LM-6)

  • Evaluation form access to the master’s degree. (rtf)
  • Module of self-certification English language level B2. 

Environmental and Behavioral Biology (Class LM-6)

  • Evaluation form access to the master’s degree. (rtf)
  • Module of self-certification English language level B2. 

Molecular Biotechnology (Class LM-8)

  • Evaluation form access to the master’s degree. (rtf)
  • Module of self-certification English language level B2. 

Data Science, Scientific Calculation & Artificial Intelligence (LM-Data)

  • Evaluation form access to the master’s degree. (rtf)
  • Module of self-certification English language level B2. 

Mathematics (Class LM-40)

  • Evaluation form access to the master’s degree. (rtf)
  • Module of self-certification English language level B2. 

Chemical Sciences (Class LM-54)

- Evaluation form access to the master’s degree. (rtf)

- Module of self-certification English language level B2.

Natural and Human Sciences (Class LM-60)

  • Evaluation form access to the master’s degree. (rtf)
  • Module of self-certification English language level B2. 

Geological Sciences and Technologies (Class LM-74)

  • Evaluation form access to the master’s degree. (rtf)
  • Module of self-certification English language level B2. 

Sciences and Materials for Conservation and Restoration (Class LM-11)

  • Evaluation form access to the master’s degree. (rtf)
  • Module of self-certification English language level B2. 

Physical and Astrophysics Sciences (Class LM-17)

  • Evaluation form access to the master’s degree. (rtf)
  • Module of self-certification English language level B2. 

Software: Science and Technology (Class LM-18)

  • Evaluation form access to the master’s degree. (rtf)
  • Module of self-certification English language level B2. 



For further help please contact domandevalutazione(AT)


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