Graduation: application and sessions

The English section is under construction. For any questions please write to: scuola(AT) 


Submission of the degree application

The application is submitted online via the tesionline service.

For any information on the various stages of the procedure, you can write to (AT) from your institutional e-mail address ( quoting your identification  number and degree course in the subject line.

Schedule of graduation sessions for 22/23 and 23/24

See calendar for 2022/2023

See calendar for 2023/2024

Assistance for bibliographical research

The Science Library offers the Scienze In-Forma service for bibliographic research assistance to the School’s undergraduates and to all those who need to find useful documentation for their research.

The service takes place by appointment in person or by videoconference with Google Meet.

To make an appointment, write to the service email scinlinea(AT) indicating dates/ times of interest and the topic of research.


Scienze In-forma

The Library of Sciences with Scienze In-forma and SOS Thesis offers a service of guidance and assistance to bibliographic research in presence or by appointment. The service is free of charge and is carried out by specialized librarians for each subject area who:

  • assist in the correct use of catalogues, databases available at the University and free Internet resources 
  • help  select useful resources (books, articles, ebooks) and  set up a proper research strategy for information retrieval for each scientific area.

It is recommended to bring an electronic medium to save the research data ( such as a USB stick).


Last update



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