General info on Exams

The English section is under construction. For any questions please write to: scuola(AT)

To sign up for exams

To sign up for an exam you must access the GCS system. Appeals must have an open reservation. Bookings open 14 days before and close 4 days before the call.

You can register in two ways:

  • from the Home screen, Appeals available
  • from the menu Exams -> Appeals in the upper right

Exam dates are also posted on the Exam Board.

How can I sign up for an exam that is not in the University register?

University register has:

  • exams from the study plan
  • exams taken independently by the student

Attention: university register is NOT the study plan. To graduate you must have taken the exams that are included in the study plan.

If you do not have an exam in university register because you have not yet submitted the study plan or you want to enter an activity to keep out of plan (example for additional language exams), you can sign up for an exam following this procedure:

  1. Go to menu Exams->Exams
  2. At the bottom of the page you will find "For the booking of courses not provided in your university register, please access the section Call Search": click on Call Search
  3. In the text field Teaching activity write the name of the exam and click on Search
  4. Click on the magnifying lens on the left of the course      
  5. Click on the blue book icon to add it to the university register     . If you find a ban symbol, it means that bookings for that exam are still closed
  6. Click on Proceed to confirm the addition to your university register      

Now you can book the exam.

I have not recovered the OFA: can I book my exams?

You can not sign up for an exam if you do not recover the OFA, except the allowed exams indicated in the 2023/24 notice of the verification test.

To unlock your exam booking, find out how to recover your OFA. 

If you have passed the recovery test but the OFA have not yet been registered, contact us by writing to ofa(at)

Can I book an exam if I have failed my pre-exam?

Some exams have propaedeuticities: you can not take that exam if you have not passed some specific exams (called propaedeutics).

The system allows you to book even if you have not passed the preparatory exams, but keep in mind that if you pass the exam this will not appear in the university register as taken.   

You do not see it in the university register, while the teacher sees it as verbalized, but with a warning of propedeuticity NOT respected.

If you have passed the preparatory exams on a date after the exam booking, you can make it appear in career by writing to the Student Administration Office Morgagni.

I have to book an exam that is no longer offered, how do I do?

If you have an exam in the university register that is no longer offered, you must ask the School to open the appeal, in agreement with the teacher of the course, using the form Contacts (Exams).

How to sign up for the language exam?

To book your English exams in your university register or other language exams, you must sign up            from the dedicated page on the CLA website

I am struggling with my studies, who is helping me?

For doubts and assistance in individual study, we remind you that the tutoring service is active in study course.



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